The Award is open to all UK comics creators, cartoonists, and artists and writers working as a team, who do not have an agent and have not had a full-length graphic work commercially published. You can be age 18 or 100, or anything in between. You must be resident in the UK..

Entries may be from a single creator, or an artist/writer team, or may be a collaboration between comics artists, writers, and those with a story to tell who may be unable to do so themselves. We are looking for a wide range of creators from different regions within the UK, and with different backgrounds. We want to reflect our society, inclusive of neurodivergent and disabled people, and those with the full rainbow of social, gender and ethnic identities. If you have any access needs in making this application, please get in touch with us at info@firstgraphicnovel.co.uk


A 15-20 page extract from a narrative work in progress – nonfiction or fiction, with words (in English) or without. The extract can be from anywhere in your book; it does not have to be the beginning. You can choose more than one extract as long as the total number of pages you submit does not go over 20 pages. Please look at How To Enter for more detail.

We are looking for graphic nonfiction, reportage, fiction in any genre, with or without words, in black and white or colour. We cannot pair artists and writers, and we do not accept any scripts, with or without illustration samples. We want comics.

We need to see how YOU want your finished pages to look. We need to see at least ten pages of finished artwork. The rest of the pages are acceptable as readable roughs with text and images clearly sketched out.

And tell us about your book, in not more than one page. Like the blurb on the back of a book, we want to know what your book is about and how it might develop. It may be great as a short comic, but we will be looking for its potential as a full-length graphic novel.

This video shows previous winners, shortlisted authors, judges and organisers all encouraging YOU to apply!